The Legacy of Asia and Western Man: A Study of the Middle Way
“As this book is rather a propos of than about the philosophy and religion of the East, I would especially direct the reader’s attention to the Bibliography and Glossary at the end. The former is a comprehensive selection of the innumerable works on Vedanta, Bud-dhism, Taoism and Yoga published in English, French and German. This book is less a description of the information contained in these works than a guide to it, an account of certain principles which will make it more understandable to the Western mind. It might therefore be called a preface to books on the wisdom of Asia…”
Alan Watts, The Legacy of Asia, John Murray, 1937
First edition. Octavo. Hardcover. White cloth binding. Gold embossed cover. Cover shows an outline where tape had lasted on a library marking. Stamps to endpapers and title page. Formerly belonging to the Theosophical Lenindng Library, Gloucester Place. Pen marking text block. Leans slightly