Campbell, Ed. Joseph
Spiritual Disciplines: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks




Spiritual Disciplines: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Volume 4

“Toward the task of encompassing and assimilating the world’s wealth of poetic and religious visions, modes and dreams of life, and readings of the mystery of death, the Eranos lecturers first assembled in the summer of 1933, at Ascona, Switzerland. Coming together on the inspired invitation of Frau Olga Froebe-Kapteyn, seven distinguished scholars brought from the fields of their special studies the first offerings for a spiritual feast that has continued ever since, an annually celebrated festival. Three of the papers of that first meeting are included in the present volume, Heinrich Zimmer’s On the Significance of the Indian Tantric Yoga, which inaugurated the whole series, Erwin Rousselle’s Spiritual Guidance in Contemporary Taoism, and Friedrich Heiler’s Contemplation in Christian Mysticism. Two of the present offerings are from the meeting of 1934, Martin Buber’s Symbolic and Sacramental Existence in Judaism and M. C. Cammerloher’s The Position of Art in the Psychology of Our Time; two are from 1935, C. G. Jung’s Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process and Rudolf Bernoulli’s Spiritual Development as Reflected in Alchemy and Related Disciplines; and two are from 1937, Theodor-Wilhelm Danzel’s The Psychology of Ancient Mexican Symbolism and John Layard’s The Malekulan Journey of the Dead. These represent excellently the spirit and scope of the earliest Eranos collations and yield, as well, a vivid sense of the wonder of those days, when from every field of research themes were appearing that leaped the bounds of the variously orthodox provincialisms of East and West and even of High and Primitive Culture.”

Spiritual Disciplines: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, Volume 4, Joseph Campbell, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1960

Hardcover. Red cloth binding. Gilt lettering to spine. No dust jacket. Formerly belonging to the Theosophical Lending Library, Gloucester Place. Library stamps to end paper, copyright and title pages. There is some tanning to the bottom right corner of the first eighteen pages, this does not affect the text.  A tight copy. Good condition.