Ecka Mordecai + Special guests (live)
Ecka Mordecai + Special guests (live)
To commemorate the exhibition Dreams Unseen by Andrew Chalk, long standing collaborator Ecka Mordecai will be performing.
To commemorate the exhibition Dreams Unseen by Andrew Chalk, long standing collaborator Ecka Mordecai will be performing.
Meetings continue fortnightly to read from Plato’s Republic out loud. This approach echoes the oral tradition that lives through Orpheus, Pythagoras and Plato. Sharing our perspectives as we journey through the dialogue, we are exploring themes such as justice, initiation, death, and the human soul. Reading starts at 18:00, doors open at 17:30. We welcome […]
Ramana Maharhi was an Indian saint who lived at the beginning of the 20th century. He received spontaneous enlightenment (Jivanmukti) at the age of sixteen and afterwards made a pilgrimage to the mountain Arunachala (Dakshinamurti, or Siva teaching in silence) where he lived for the remainder of his life. Although effortless in his own striving, his teaching is […]
Plato calls the great first principle “the Good” and says that the Gods are rooted in this Good as the primary agents of providence. He says, in the Republic, that the Gods are the causes of all goodness, and are not the causes of evil; he also says, in the Timaeus, that the universe is […]
Laws of Form, an introduction with Andrew Crompton Created by George-Spencer Brown, Laws of Form is a non-numerical arithmetic, a calculus that is based on a single mark called “the first distinction”. In Spencer Brown’s own words, from Laws of Form: “The theme of this book is that a universe comes into being when a space […]