Waite, A. E.
Emblematic Freemasonry



Emblematic Freemasonry and the Evolution of Its Deeper Issues

“It is the design of the following studies to present in an ordered sequence the chief aspects which have been assumed by Emblematic Freemasonry, its connections and developments in the course of their progress through the past two centuries. While the work is not historical in character, it marks epochs which belong themselves to history. Behind its purely modern subject there lie the records of the English Operative Craft, and in front there are the hopes and plans of the higher mind of Masonry for the years to come and a new world in the making. The first and last studies, which dwell upon these things, are like a prologue and epilogue to the collection at large. They are of that from which it has derived and of that into which it may evolve: between them I am concerned chiefly with deeper issues of symbolism, the sources—where traceable—of what may be termed fundamental tradition exhibited in the various Rites, and—outside these—with the relation of Rites to certain great factors of European history.”

Emblematic Freemasonry, A. E. Waite, William Rider & Son, 1925

Hardcover. Blue cloth binding. Spine repaired with tape. Book corners are worn, especially at the front top right. Formerly belonging to the Theosophical Lending Library, Gloucester Place. Library stamps to end paper, copyright, title pages. Fair condition.