On the Watch Tower
Selected Editorial Notes from The Theosophist 1953-1966
“Over the years readers of The Theosophist in many parts of the world have expressed their appreciation of the Watch-Tower Notes written by the President of the Theosophical Society, Mr. N. Sri Ram. His comments on contemporary life, together with his observations concerning matters that are significant to the Theosophical world in general, appear monthly in the Society’s magazine. There is abundant evidence that many who read that journal have found the Watch-Tower Notes a source of enlightenment and inspiration. Through his editorial pen Mr. Sri Ram shares his deep perception and practical application of the simple principles underlying many of the complex matters that man is faced with today. The records of the Theosophical Publishing House reveal that a relatively small proportion of the total membership of the Theosophical Society subscribe to its international journal. Consequently it has often been thought that a useful purpose would be served by collecting the major portion of the Watch-Tower Notes into a single volume, arranging the essays in some convenient form that would enhance their readability, and render them more readily available as a source of reference for those so inclined.”
On the Watch Tower, N. Sri Ram, The Theosophical Publishing House, 1966
Hardcover. Dust jacket is ripped on the inside and worn at the edges. Formerly belonging to the Theosophical Lending Library, Gloucester Place. Library stamps to end paper, text block, copyright and title pages. A tight copy. Very good condition.