Afghan Embroidery
Each picture in this book is a celebration of the daily life of the Afghans. It was conceived by UNHCR as a homage to Afghan women. From mother to daughter, they hand down traditions and ensure their survival. Recently in war, and now, we hope, in peace. The time has come to go back home; a home that may be ruined but where women are once again busy stitching for the future. We wished to mark this moment by showing works of beauty and love. The Musee de l’Homme gave us access to its collections assembled by generations of travellers from all parts of Afghanistan; and we hope that all Afghans will recognize in this their common heritage. To them the book is dedicated.
Afghan Embroidery, Roland Paiva & Bernard Dupaigne, Ferozsons, 1993
Hardcover. Minor shelf wear. Slight lean. Very good condition.