The Huang Po Doctrine of Universal Mind
Being the teaching of Dhyana Master His Run as recorded by P’ei Hsiu, a noted scholar of the T’ang Dynasty, translated by Chu Ch’an.
The Huang Po Doctrine of Universal Mind or, to give it its Chinese name, Huang Po Ch’uan Fa Yao is one of the most important of the numerous Chinese works expounding the doctrines of the Dhyana (Ch’an or Zen) Sect and forms an almost complete exposition of the main tenets of that sect. As it must offer many difficulties to one unacquainted with the philosophy on which it is based, I have thought it necessary to give a brief outline of the origin and development of Dhyana (often regarded as a uniquely Chinese interpretation of Buddhist thought), before proceeding to a discussion of the book itself. If, in doing so, I have touched on much that is already well known to the reader, I trust I shall be forgiven in view of my attempt to make the sketch as complete as possible.
The Huang Po Doctrine of Universal Mind, Chu Ch’an, The Buddhist Society, 1947
Pamphlet. Some shelf wear. Very good condition.